Author: Yang Ding
We Pitched!
So. A quick update. Here is Seqian and Blandine and me in a black-hole, dressed up in their so called business casual and pitched our business case at McGill Dobson Cup Phase 2B! Wow. I am so impressed that the judges actually read our hastily produced seven-page business plan! Who would have thought? Guess we…
News Article by Concordia University
Concordia University just wrote an article about our work! Check it out at here.
We are in^2?
So, it has come to this… Normally, I do not post two updates in one day. But, apparently, 24h after we submitted the business plan for McGill Dobson Cup, we are in the semi-finals!
MotionCorrect … in action!
It has been a while since I updated our progress. Our team has been keeping busy. 🙂 We recruited numerous advisors who have very kindly agreed to provide both clinical (Dr. Chankowsky & Kathleen) and technical (Dr. Near) insight into the application of our future venture as well as market outlook. Additional, we conclude…
We are IN!
Great! Just got words we have been selected to advance to Phase 2 of the McGill Dobson Cup 2015. By the way, we are also selected to advance to the next stage of Concordia Dobson Practicum! More update soon. 😛
First Business Pitch
Andy and Alina getting ready to pitch to the Concordia John Molson Business Case Competition reviewing committee. 🙂 Here is a glimpse of the slides they used. We look forward to hear about their results in a few weeks.
Elevator Pitch Video
So, somehow, I keep forgetting to put our pitch video online. Here it is. In its 1080p glory! Here is our YouTube channel, in case later on we decide to post some Britney Spear Remix of the same video (seriously, we actually made one during production time… it was.. EPIC.)
Next Stage
So, I guess this is it eh? We successfully made it through the Elevator Speech (they meant “Pitch”) Phase of the Neuro Startup Competition. On the upcoming Monday, we will be pitching for the Concordia University, stay tuned.
Vote for Us!
Vote for us at PitchBurner and give us some interesting feedback, will ya? Also checkout our YouTube Introduction video!
Welcome to MotionCorrect!
Happy Zeroth Birthday to MotionCorrect! Today, we officially launch our boilerplate website without content to commemorate our entry into the Neuro Startup Challenge.